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Is the fear of not having the right talent, TA processes, or TA systems to scale your business keeping you up at night? 

If you are a business in need of external help because your internal recruiting staff isn't getting the job done or you just need some extra hands, or if you're a start-up business in need of the right recruiting services to move forward, GTP is worth your time.  


If you're looking for a recruiting advisor who will truly understand your business objectives, take as much pride in what you are building, and strategically help you scale your business with the right talent at the right time, then you've come to the right place.


At Gallagher Talent Partners, we get to do what we love - matching great companies with great talent.  So, if we can save you time, help you hit your targets, and get to do what we love - game on!

Global GTM Expertise
  • Customer Success

  • Sales

  • Sales Engineering

  • Professional Services

  • Revenue Operations

  • Marketing


Service Offerings
  • Retained Search

  • Contingency Search

  • TA Advisory Services

  • Contract Recruitment

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