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It is Our Job to Help You

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About GTP

Why choose our services

Let’s be honest! Recruiting sucks for most companies and for many of the people who need to do the hiring.  It is hard, takes a lot of additional time, and it's rarely viewed is the force multiplier that is truly is for company growth.   

We've always viewed recruitment can and should be a driving force impacting your company's revenue growth, culture, and brand.  Treating everyone right, focusing on the experience of all involved, and putting an emphasis around improving the lives of those we recruit, will lead to value within the company's workplace culture. The rest takes care of itself! 

Our process


We take the time to not only learn your organization and your objective need, but also your culture. Culture matters. Culture is what keeps people in a role. That saves time and money. 



We recognize that recruiting needs ebb and flow. And so do budgets. But timelines can be aggressive. We offer flexible solutions that help you hit your targets.



We are good people, who like to hunt down good people, on behalf of good people. To grow good companies.

Our obligation

We’ve worked in the startup realm for over a decade. We’ve helped companies IPO, get acquired, become the leaders in their respective space.  We have had the opportunity to build teams from scratch and to rebuild broken ones.  We’ve been through the trenches of PE takeovers, public company divestitures and hired ICs and leaders of all altitudes in global markets.


Our talent acquisition lens is very sharp in many different environments. Tracking the right talent is what we do.

Any questions or thoughts?

We are always happy to help out!

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